Wednesday, January 21, 2015

A Few Of My Favorite Things

1.) A plane ticket.  Every since I could walk I have always loved traveling, no matter where I was going I was always thrilled for a new adventure. Waking up early and rushing to the airport with my family while excitement rises throughout the car was always something I felt very lucky to experience.

2.) A sculpture of my beautiful bullmastiff.  This creature has become nothing short of my best friend and I would be nothing without her wonderful presences.

3.) A Bouquet Flowers.  Because there's just nothing that can beat the feeling of unexpectedly receiving something of such beauty.

4.) A Candle.  The scent of the candle is a fresh beach like smell.  While growing up I always enjoyed spending time at the beach, as it felt like my own place to relax and debrief.

5.) A Hat.  Because who doesn't like fashion!

6.) A Room Decor.  The room decor reads, "sisters make the best friends" which is something I could not agree more with.

7.) A Pair Of Sunglasses.  This is my guilty pleasure, I have for some odd reason began to buy sunglasses almost like they are a collectors items.

8.) And finally, A Bottle Of Wine.  Ever since I have been legal to drink I loved this particular bottle.